Monday, April 19, 2010

I’m on a Horse

Company: Old Spice
Aired: February 8, 2010
Channel: ESPN, TBS, TNT, Spike TV
Appeal: Humor, Exaggerated Statement

Old Spice is an American brand of male grooming products. The company has been well known for years for their catchy whistling jingle during their television ads. In February 2010 Old Spice released their new campaign and slogan, “The man your man could smell like.” The very first ad featuring actor Isaiah Mustafa has been incredibly well received by the media. The commercial was created by ad agency Wieden+Kennedy for Old Spice to market their brand of shower gel. Their marketing message is how “anything is possible” if a man uses the product. They should consider using Kevin Garnett in their next commercial.


Check it out and let me know what you think.


Thirty seconds of perfection if you ask me. The ad is one continuous shot of a man as he stands in a bath towel and orders you to “look at your man, now back at me.” Then the backdrop of a shower is raised and you discover he is actually on a boat. After an oyster full of tickets turns into diamonds the camera zooms out again as the man explains, “I’m on a horse.” Simply hilarious.
Old Spice has recently released another series of commercials for their Odor Blocker Body Wash. I’m not as thrilled with these because they have a very “in your face” type of humor, while the other ad is subtle and witty.



  1. I've seen the first commercial numerous times on ESPN. Very funny. I'm a little disappointed in the new one they released, the first one has a much better appeal.

  2. this last commercial is terrific. I am very glad you covered it because I thought it was so damn histerical.
